
Who can become a member of PKBWL?

A member of the Commission shall be appointed by the minister responsible for transport after a consultation with the Commission Chairman, for a period of 4 years. A member of the Commission may become a person who:

  1. is a Polish citizen and enjoys full public rights;
  2. has a full legal capacity;
  3. has never been convicted for a crime committed intentionally;
  4. holds a tertiary education diploma;
  5. has a documented 5-year experience in one of the following fields: 
    – aviation law;
    – aviation training;
    – air traffic;
    – aircraft operation;
    – engineers – aircraft designers.

Persons interested in being employed in PKBWL as a member should send the following documents to the following address:

  • CV
  • letter of motivation
  • higher education diploma
  • completed declaration, which can be downloaded from To download bookmark.

Who can become an expert of PKBWL?

An expert may become a person having qualifications and experience necessary for the investigation into an aviation occurrence.

An expert is entitled to remuneration for participating in the work of the Commission and preparing opinions. The conditions of cooperation with PKBWL is set in a civil law contract.

Persons interested in becoming a PKBWL expert should send the following documents to the address:

  • CV
  • letter of motivation
  • tertiary education diploma
  • completed declaration, which can be downloaded from the To download bookmark.

Internship in PKBWL

The program of unpaid student internships is addressed to all full-time and part-time students of the bachelor and master degree studies. We offer internships throughout the year in an individual formula at the headquarters of PKBWL in Warsaw.

Before starting the internship, we will sign a contract with you and assign you a mentor. This person will familiarize you with the specifics of PKBWL, assign tasks and support you in solving more difficult problems. After completion the internship, you will receive a letter of recommendation.

If you are interested in our internship program, please send your CV to:

500 233 233

phone 24h

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