ul. Puławska 125, 02-707 Warszawa
PKBWL headquarters adress
ul. Chałubińskiego 4/6, 00-928 Warszawa
correspondence adress
+48 22 522 55 20
PKBWL office
+48 500 233 233
24-hour reporting telephone number only for reporting occurrences
Aircraft occurrences shall be reported to the State Commission on Aircraft Accidents Investigation (PKBWL) via:
Any person who has knowledge of an accident or a serious incident should immediately notify the PKBWL.
In addition, the natural persons shall report the occurrences through the ECCAIRS system:
The persons listed above should report an occurrence as soon as possible, but not later than 72 hours after becoming aware of the occurrence, unless exceptional circumstances prevent this.
If an occurrence is reported by ECCAIRS2, the ECCAIRS format should be followed.
If an occurrence is reported by other means, the PKBWL will need to know as much of the following information as possible:
Any person who found an abandoned aircraft or its wreckage, or was involved or witnessed an aircraft accident or emergency landing outside an aerodrome shall be obliged to immediately notify the nearest Police unit or public administration authority or other public security and order services or search and rescue services, in particular firefighting units, which can provide assistance.
In addition, a person having knowledge of an accident or a serious incident that took place outside the territory of Poland should immediately notify at foreign safety investigation authority of this fact.
Contact details for all foreign safety investigation authorities can be found on the International Civil Aviation Organization website. https://www.icao.int/safety/aia/Pages/default.aspx
PKBWL headquarters adress
correspondence adress
PKBWL office
24-hour reporting telephone number only for reporting occurrences
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