PKBWL monthly report – January 2023

This is a list of PKBWL investigations that were closed in January 2023. The report is published on the beginning of the preceding month.
PKBWL monthly report – December 2022

This is a list of PKBWL investigations that were closed in December 2022. The report is published on the beginning of the preceding month.
PKBWL report – Accident, Cessna TU206G (OK-ROY), Bielsko-Biała Aleksandrowice aerodrome (EPBA), 24/06/2022

On June 24, 2022, the Cessna TU206G took-off from EPBA aerodrome with 5 parachute jumpers on board. During the take-off, the engine shut down. The pilot made an emergency landing outside the airfield. As a result of the collision with the ground, and then with the fence of th property, the plane sust ined serious […]
Preliminary report – Accident, Skyvan SC-7 3 Variant 100 (SP-HIP), Glina near Piotrków Trybunalski aerodrome (EPPT), 3/09/2022

We inform that the preliminary report related to the SC-7 3 Variant 100 (SP-HIP) accident which occurred on 3 September 2022 in the village Glina near the Piotrków Trybunalski aerodrome has been published. As a result of the accident, 2 persons were killed. The subjected accident is still under investigation. Read the preliminary report.
PKBWL report – Accident, Diamond DA42 (SP-TRL), Warsaw Modlin Airport (EPMO), 29/09/2022

On 19 August 2021, at 14:22 hrs UTC, the DA 42 airplane crew consisting of the instructor-pilot and student pilot took off in order to perform training flights as part of MEP(L) training on the route from EPBC to EPMO. The training flights were performed according to the training program approved by the Polish Civil […]
Skyvan SC-7 accident message (SP-HIP)

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the State Commission on Aircraft Accident Investigation (SCAAI) started investigating the accident of the SKYVAN SC-7 aircraft, which took place on September 3, 2022 in Glina near Piotrków Trybunalski. According to preliminary findings, on the day of the accident at the […]
Legal acts

01. Konwencja o międzynarodowym lotnictwie cywilnym, podpisana w Chicago dnia 7 grudnia 1944 r. – Konwencja chicagowska (Dz. U z 1959 r. Nr 35, poz. 212, z późn. zm);Pobierz 02. Załącznik 13 do Konwencji o międzynarodowym lotnictwie cywilnym, sporządzonej w Chicago dnia 7 grudnia 1944 r.Pobierz 03. Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 996/2010 […]
WARSAW The Office of the Commission based in Warsawul.Chałubińskiego 4/6 00-928 Warszawatel. +48 22 630 11 31 GLIWICE Local representative office in Gliwice ul. Jasna 31B 44-122 Gliwice tel. +48 501 131 387 tel. +48 516 175 958 POZNAŃ Local represantative office in Poznań ul. Składowa 4 61-897 Poznań