PKBWL report – Incident, Boeing 737 MAX 8 (A6-FMC), EPWA, 11/11/2021

During taxiing of the FDB1830 flight to the holding point short of RWY 29 on EPWA aerodrome, the crew was instructed by TWR to line up RWY 29 and wait. The crew correctly confirmed the instruction. At 21:05:501 hrs the plane lined up RWY 29. After 20 seconds the crew initiated take-off run. At 21:06:23 […]

PKBWL report – Accident, AVENTURA II (N27ZX), Kłeckie lake, 29/03/2022

On 29 March 2022, the pilot (German citizen) of the Aventura II aircraft, N27ZX identification marks, began preparations for the flight at the EPLS aerodrome at 09:001 hrs LMT. CCTV camera recording from EPLS shows that the pilot personally prepared the plane for flight, started the engine, tested it, and then taxied to RWY 23 […]

PKBWL report – Accident, Bell 429 (SP-KKS), Piasek airfield (EPPY), 22/02/2021

On 22 February 2021, around 23:27 hrs LMT , a pilot (male, aged 51, holder of CPL(H)) took off with a Bell 429 helicopter, SP-KKS registration marks, for a tourist flight with three passengers on-board. The take-off was performed from an off-field area, located in Zagwiździe (about 5 NM north of Opole), the planned destination […]

PKBWL report – Accident, Robinson R44 (SP-CCC), Mikołajki, 6/07/2022

On 6 July 2021, around 09:30 hrs LMT1 a pilot of the Robinson R44 (Raven I) helicopter, SP-CCC registration marks, took off from a private property in Mikołajki to perform a recreational flight to the EPUL airfield in Ułęż. The pilot was a male, holder of PPL(H) and there were two passengers on-board. The temperature […]