PKBWL Interim statement – Accident, Cessna Grand Caravan 208B (SP-WAW), Chrcynno (EPNC), 17/07/2023

PKBWL presents an interim statement regarding the accident of Cessna Grand Caravan 208B (SP-WAW), which took place on 17th July 2023 on EPNC aerodrome
PKBWL Interim statement – accident, baloon Cameron Z-160 (SP-BOK), Bór n. Nowy Targ, 19/03/2023

PKBWL presents an interim statement regarding the accident of the Cameron Z-160 balloon (SP-BOK), which took place on March 19, 2023 in Bór near Nowy Targ.
PKBWL report – accident, Socata-Rallye 235-ED (SP-WOP), Lubin aerodrome (EPLU), 24/09/2022

On 24 September 2022, a gliding competition for landing accuracy was held at Lubin airport (EPLU). The gliders were towed behind the Socata-Ralley 235 E-D aircraft with identification marking SP-WOP. After completing 20 tows, the tow pilot was changed.During the first tow (after the pilot change), the tow pilot disconnected the tow rope at an […]
PKBWL report – serious incident, Tecnam P2006T (SP-MMB), Warszawa-Babice aerodrome (EPBC), 23/05/2022

The crew landed with the landing gear retracted on a grassy runway, damaging the lower fuselage skin.
PKBWL report – Accident, Cessna C-182L Skylane (D-EDYP), Jelenia Góra (EPJG), 25/06/2023

During the approach, the pilot found that the engine had lost power. While attempting an emergency landing among water reservoirs, the left wing hit a tree. The plane turned horizontally, hit the quay and fell into the water reservoir.
PKBWL investigation – accident, Cessna 208B (SP-WAW), EPNC, 17/07/2023

We would like to inform that PKBWL has instituted the investigation into fatal accident involving airplane Cessna 208B (SP-WAW) which occurred at EPNC on 17/07/2023.
PKBWL report – accident, Cessna 152 airplane (SP-AKW), Rębielice, 02/06/2022

30 minutes after take-off, the airplane descended and, accelerating along a trajectory of a gentle but tightening arc, crashed into the ground at high speed. The pilot and passenger died on the spot.
PKBWL report – accident, ASG-29E glider (SP-3818), EPLU, 15/06/2022

After an unsuccesful attempt to start the sustainer engine the aircraft stalled, thancaught on the ground with its wing and subsequently collided with the ground.
PKBWL report – Serious Incident, Embraer – ERJ190-200-200LR (SP-LNO), Warsaw aerodrome (EPWA), 11/10/2019

On 11 October 2019, during approach a serious incident occurred. After completion of the investigation, PKBWL issued four safety recommendations for the carrier.
PKBWL report – Accident, Robinson 22 registered as YOYO (SP-HEYO), Leśnia Jania, 10/01/2023

On 10 January 2023 a fatal accident occurred. Taking into account a number of revealed irregularities PKBWL has decided to refrain from further investigation of the occurrence.